Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Created By
Arkangelknight (talk)
Date Created: 09-09-09
Status: Complete
Editing: Please feel free to edit constructively!

Reliable Ability [General]

Select one feat, class ability, or spell which you have.
Benefit: Whenever you use the selected ability, you do not lose a use of it if you miss with your attack. For example, a paladin that acquired Reliable Smite would not lose a daily use of her Smite ability if she made an attack with it and missed though she would still expend the daily use if she hit a nonevil creature or failed to overcome a target's spell resistance. A fighter that selected Reliable Grapple Strike (see Combat Strike) would be able to make a Grapple Strike with the first attack that hit the round they used it rather than purely the first attack. A wizard that selected Reliable Fireball would not lose a daily spell slot for fizzling a fireball spell.
Special: This feat can be selected multiple times; its effects do not stack. Each time it is selected it allows you to select a new ability with this feat.
Gamemasters should have their players approve specific abilities before allowing this feat.