Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Created By
Sulacu (talk)
Date Created: March 1, 2008
Status: Completed
Editing: Please feel free to edit constructively!
Quill of Fabrication
Price: Varies
Body Slot: None
Caster Level: Varies
Aura: Weak divination
Weight: 0.5 lb.

This item resembles an exquisite quill fashioned out of a large, black raven's feather. The quill requires a source of ink to write. When used, it bestows the user a competence bonus to Forgery checks equal to the quill's enhancement bonus.

Prereqs: Craft Wondrous Item, read magic. Caster level must be at least equal to the quill's enhancement bonus.
Cost to Create: 800 gp (+2), 3,200 gp (+4), 7,200 gp (+6), 12,800 gp (+8), 20,000 gp (+10).

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