Dungeons and Dragons Wiki

Classes Of Nor Galad

Base Classes
Avenger: Avengers are a playable class in the land of Nor Galad. Avengers in Nor Galad are a Cabal Of mysterious origins, praying and worshiping to there gods for divine strength. They are known for there deadly determination, skill, and prowess. Many avengers have tattoos all over there bodies, depending on there god and group, as well as markings cut into there body in the sign of there god. They will hunt down enemies, and protect mankind, but most have forsaken the Empires ruling, and only help the People inside the kingdoms. Although most clerical foundations forbid the ancient teachings of the Avenger, they respect Avengers for the work they do. Unlike the clergies, most monks are content with a warrior of such high skill and motivation to there god, and are accepted as one of there own when Avengers come by their monasteries.

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