Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Created By
Idkwhatmynameis (talk)
Date Created: 5/12/10
Status: Complete
Editing: Please feel free to edit constructively!
Balance: Rogue

Combat Reflexes [Type::Fighter, Type::Combat Form] Summary::While fighting, you notice every little movement, every little flick of the wrist, and this can save your life. Prerequisites: Prerequisite::Base Attack bonus +6, Prerequisite::Combat Focus, Prerequisite::Wis 13, Prerequisite::Dex 17Benefit: While wearing light armor and in combat focus, you gain the benefits of the Evasion ability, and a +2 to reflex saves.Special: If you have 3 or more combat form feats, the bonus to reflex saves improves to +3. If you have 6 or more combat form feats, you gain the Improved Evasion while in light armor and combat focus.

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