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Metamagic Feats: By taking a Metamagic Feat you receive a Feat Power with the Metamagic Keyword. A Metamagic Power may be used to effect a Arcane, Arachane, Divine, Primal or Shadow power.


Metamagic: Powers with the Metamagic Keyword may be used once a round. You may only affect a power with one Metamagic Power at a time.

Metamagic Feats
Prerequisites Benefit
Coercive Spell (4e Feat) - - Your spell cause a -2 penalty to the target's will defence.
Deafening Spell (4e Feat) - - All creatures hit by your attack spell are deafened.
Disrupting Spell (4e Feat) - - Your spell cause a -2 penalty the target's attack rolls made as part as non-martial powers.
Enervate Spell (4e Feat) - Non-good alignment Your attack spells have the necrotic keyword and you deal +4 damage.
Fell Drain (4e Feat) - - Foes damaged by your spells are also weakened.
Fell Terror (4e Feat) - - Foes hit by your spells are dazed.
Fell Weaken (4e Feat) - - Foes hit by your spells take a -2 penalty to Strength based checks.
Metanode Spell (4e Feat) - - When casting a spell with a metamagic feat in the area of an earthnode, that metamagic feat does not count towards the maximum number of metamagic feats you can use per round.
Radiant Spell (4e Feat) - - Your spells create an area of light.
Umbral Spell (4e Feat) - - Your spells create an area of darkness.
Split Spell (4e Feat) - Ability to use one or more Arcane powers. Target additional target with ranged spell.
Empower Spell (4e Feat) - Ability to use one or more Arcane powers. +1d8 damage
Extend Spell (4e Feat) - Ability to use one or more Arcane powers. -2 damage, +5 Range
Quicken Spell (4e Feat) - Ability to use one or more Arcane powers. Cast spell as a Free or Minor Action
Maximize Spell (4e Feat) - Ability to use one or more Arcane powers. Maximized damage to one target, as if a Critical Hit

Top-level feats in this list are organized alphabetically
